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Fire Prevention Week each year is a very busy time for our Department. We will make every attempt to honor the requests we recieve. If you have a request for that week the earlier you get it in the the better.

President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the first National Fire Prevention Week on October 4-10, 1925, beginning a tradition of the President of the United States signing a proclamation recognizing the occasion. It is observed on the Sunday through Saturday period in which October 9 falls, in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire, which began October 8, 1871, and did most of its damage October 9. 


Text "Hands-Only CPR" in red and black.

Special Consideration:

  • Training is not affiliated  with  any creditable delivering agency.
  • Participants  will not receive any certifications in CPR, First Aid and AED. This course is designed to educate  the public as awareness  level only.
  • Minimum  class size of five students. 


Other possible fire prevention / safety presentations that may be available:


Senior Fire and Fall Prevention

Older members of our community are at an increased risk of being injured or killed in a fire or because of a fall.  We want to reduce the likelihood that this will happen.  We use a PowerPoint Presentation created by the National Fire Protection Association [NFPA] and the Center for Disease Control [CDC] entitled “Remembering When” to help seniors, and those who love them, understand how to reduce risks.  A Firefighter will make this 40 – 60 minute presentation. 

General Fire Safety

The Belmont Fire Department is happy to have a firefighter speak to members of your group about fire safety.  A PowerPoint presentation is used.  A Firefighter will make this 40 – 60 minute presentation.

Business Fire Safety

A workplace can hold many potential dangers.  A company’s biggest responsibility is the safety and welfare of its employees, customers, and visitors.  A PowerPoint is used to help ensure that employees are knowledgeable in fire prevention and emergency response in the workplace.  A Firefighter will make this 40 – 60 minute presentation.

Pre-school Fire Safety

Firefighters love to visit with children to reinforce fire safety messages and hopefully reduce the fear of firefighters that children sometimes have but please understand that we cannot do it all. During your visit there may be horns, sirens going off.

Note: We expect that teachers will prepare students for visits to the fire department in advance.


What we do – and how we do it

Learn what the Fire Department is all about – what we do and how we do it. A PowerPoint presentation is used and A Firefighter will make this 40 – 60 minute presentation.

A presentation on the topic of my choice

A Firefighter will consider a presentation on the safety topic of your choice.